Admission Process
Admissions for the Bsc Nursing batch of 2024-2025 are now OPEN!
Application form for B.Sc.Nursing course is being issued (21st March 2024) from the college of nursing, on payment of Rs:300/- (Rs: 50 extra if required to be sent by post) in cash or by money order to the Registrar, College of Nursing, or by Demand Draft in favour of “COLLEGE OF NURSING, CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP HOSPITAL”, payable at Oddanchatram. The Demand draft may be taken on any of the banks in Oddanchatram mentioned below:
1.Indian Overseas Bank
2. State Bank of India.
3. South Indian Bank
4. Canara Bank
5. Federal Bank
6. Bank of India
Downloaded/Filled Application Form for B.Sc Nursing Course should be sent to the Registrar, Admissions, College of Nursing, Christian Fellowship Hospital, Oddanchatram- 624619, Dindigul District, Tamil Nadu , along with:
Self addressed stamped envelope and passport size photograph for Hall ticket.
Duly filled Demand Draft of Rs:300/- (Rs: 50 extra if required to be sent by post) for the Application
- Registration fee of Rs:600/-
- Registration fee must be sent by a crossed demand draft only on any of the list of banks mentioned above in favor of “College of Nursing, Christian Fellowship Hospital”, Oddanchatram.
- The list of enclosures is mentioned in the application form.
- For those downloading the Application Form Online- Kindly fill the demand draft with a total amount of Rs. 900 (Rs.600/-Registration Fee+Rs.300/-Application Form) without fail.
- If you have any further questions, please call +91 8940351955 (8 am to 5 pm)
Download the College of Nursing, Christian Fellowship Hospital, Prospectus– Here!
Download the College of Nursing, Christian Fellowship Hospital, Application Form– Here!
You can pay online too!