Medical and Nursing elective students from various parts of the world come for one to three months of exposure and learning. The hospital has been receiving students for the past more than 30 years.
The Christian Fellowship Hospital campus is one of its kind. With the hills on one side and the town on the other it is secluded from the busy and dusty everyday traffic and people.
On a regular day, the Doctors Mess opens at 6.30 AM and will close at 7.35 AM. You could treat yourself to a good, healthy Indian breakfast (menu changes every day). The Chapel, a center of peace and tranquility is a beautiful spot to start a new day. The Chapel begins at 7.40 AM and will end at sharply 8.00AM.
This is where you will be introduced to the Christian Fellowship Family, and without doubt a brilliant manner to get off the mark. From here you could meet up with Mr. David, Manager-Human Resources at his office at 8.00AM and would be briefed on which department you would be channelized to.
Electives are mainly observers and they shadow a consultant or a registrar. Electives do their rotational postings in General Medicine, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Pediatrics, Community Medicine, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Psychiatry etc.
Electives would generally take part in the in-patient ward rounds, which start at 8.00 AM in their respective departments. Once the rounds are rounded up they attend the outpatient clinics or observe surgeries in the operation theater.
The lunch break is usually from 1.00 PM to 2.00 PM and you could replenish your pots with the unusually good food from the mess.
The out-patient clinics would continue usually even after 5.00 PM after which the evening is generally your time.
There are lots of teaching programmes in the evening where erudite consultants share their knowledge and expertise.
Doctors and nurses speak English. Communication with the patient is in the local language Tamil.
The campus is a beautiful place to always go around it and quieten yourselves at the Quiet Corner! You are welcome to visit different families on campus as almost everyone lives on-campus.
Whew! Finally it’s the end of the day and we sometimes think there should be more than 24hrs in a day at CFH to do more and more for His Kingdom!